Experience Yerushalayim
A short update
Wednesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos brought hundreds of people together from all over the world for Sulam’s 3rd annual Chol Hamoed event.
This year’s event event called “Experience Yerushalayim” took place in Olmaya overlooking the magnificent view of Yerushalayim. Participants enjoyed a buffet, wine tasting, a 3D virtual tour of the sights of the city while their children enjoyed the attractions uniquely for them.
The highlight of the event was a concert featuring Avraham Fried and Meilich Kohn.
The performance brought the whole audience to their feet for ten consecutive minutes of “hakofos” with Fried and Kohn taking turns counting each “hakofa.”
Congratulations to the Guggenheim Family on winning the Jerusalem Trivia. Tension could be felt in the air as all the participants tried to be the first one to answer the questions on the past, present and future of Yerushalayim.
There is a double joy here,” said Esti Ernster, Sulam’s executive director after the show. “Thanks to the joy and contribution of all the participants here, hundreds of children in Sulam can rejoice with the extra hours of therapy and services we can provide. The annual event is also our opportunity to express gratitude to so many people from around the world who opened their hearts to Sulam.”