Memorable Milestones
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With tremendous excitement, we celebrated a Siddur Party for the children in the kindergarten classes of the Sulam preschool located in Kiryat Ye’arim. This special event took place in the “Ohel Yitzchak” synagogue by the Kotel (Western Wall) Plaza. The ceremony began with one of the fathers explaining to the children the power of prayer, especially of children’s prayer, which has the unique ability to open the gates of heaven. Upon finishing his words, he thanked the educational and therapeutic staff who tirelessly give from the heart, with endless care and professionalism. At the heart of the ceremony, the children received their Siddurim (prayer books) from Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of the Kotel, who blessed them that their prayers be answered. When the children received their siddurim, they burst into singing “Shma Koleinu” (“Hear our Prayers”) from the depths of their hearts, accompanied by their fathers who sang along with them. They then began to pray Shacharit, the morning prayers, from their new Siddur, as their mothers and fathers emotionally followed along. At the end of the ceremony, each child approached the aron hakodesh (Torah ark) and with their parents prayed together for their continued success. They then went to pray at the Kotel with hand written notes of requests from Hashem.
“This day is an important milestone in the success of these children, and this occasion testifies to their achievements emotionally, behaviorally, and academically, and especially their achievements in reading” said Mrs. Ernster, CEO of Sulam. Mrs. Ernster noted with admiration, the constant participation of the devoted parents who work hand in hand with the staff in order to advance their children. She also thanked the local city council in Kiryat Ye’arim and specifically, the mayor, Rav Avraham Rosenthal, and Mrs. Miri Lavi, Director of the Department of Education, who are always at their service, with sensitivity and generosity.
Upon leaving the ceremony, each child adorned his parents with a gift which he prepared especially for them with a request to pray for him, a particularly emotional and touching gesture.
Mrs. Ahuva Raanan, principal of the Sulam preschool, summed up the ceremony thanking the educational and para-educational staff who genuinely create an environment of warmth and care that is so palpable in the preschool and which has led to each child achieving significant successes. She emphasized how the Sulam preschool gave these children the tools educationally, emotionally, motorically, socially, and behaviorally to succeed. The preschool is proud of the fact that most of the graduating class will be starting 1st grade in mainstreamed classrooms next year. Here’s to Sulam at it’s best!