Empowering and Enabling Parents in Special Education
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The Sulam branch in Modi’in Illit operates language and communication preschools in the Yiddish language. Recently, Sulam held a series of lectures for parents of toddlers and children focusing on issues that are most important to them: reading comprehension and language acquisition skills, as well as integration of special-ed children into regular education classrooms. The lecture series hosted some of the most well-known experts in the field, with a special focus on the role of parents in furthering the advancement of their child’s reading skills. The Ganei Sulam Psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Keene emphasized the neurological and mental factors that impede on children’s attention and concentration, and explained when and how medication, as an intervention, is required.
A professional and comprehensive lecture was given by ophthalmologist and optometrist Dr. Norman Aharonovitch, who specializes in diagnosing vision problems which contribute to reading disorders. He demonstrated with drawings and illustrations the various types of focus difficulties and their immediate impact on reading acquisition. He also presented data on the correlation between visual impairment and children in need of special education, while emphasizing the need for early intervention and proper diagnosis. Another lecturer, a veteran special-ed teacher, described the process of integration of special-ed and regular education kindergartens, a process latent with challenge, but excitement and tremendous value.
The high attendance of parents in the lectures series, as well as the active participation in the question and answer session attested to the great need and benefit of this enriching evening. Sulam, a forerunner in addressing needs for children with special needs, puts empowering parents with the tools that they need for their children’s growth as a priority.