Category: Uncategorized
Growth and E x p a n s i o n….. Despite the challenges!
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We almost reached…one hundred
Yes, the times are difficult, but Sulam’s network has grown to 99 classes
Each class is staffed with empathetic and experienced professionals in all fields, state pf the art equipment and a pleasant and spacious environment.
“A ladder firmly set on the ground yet reaches the very heavens”
Sulamit nurseries for multiply handicapped autistic children. No more travelling through early morning traffic for our children, who will now have their school close to home, in Bet Shemesh.
The Sulam Yaakov school for lower function children on the ASD spectrum, has just been renovated and can now provide these special children with all the specialized equipment and programs needed.
Yeshivat Torat Yaakov, a new experience for young men aged 13 and up on the autism spectrum. These young men, who long for the authentic yeshiva experience, can now find their place, as yeshiva learning is combined with therapies and treatments.
Sulam’s year has started with energy, plans and ideas to be realized in the days to come.
sukkot with sulam
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Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon in Sulam
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Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon in Sulam
A short update
22 boys with autism were treated to a festive breakfast and quiz with prominent members of the community including Moshe Leon in honor of finishing the laws of prayer.
The boys, are students at Yeshivat Torat Yakov, a branch of Sulam which offers a comprehensive educational and therapeutic program to boys age 13 to 17, with autism and other disabilities.
It is the the passion and perseverance of the students, their families and the staff of the yeshiva that brought our young heroes to this milestone.
Faith and Fear
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Faith and Fear
A short update
Hadas Rahamim, psychologist at Sulam’s communication center presented a lecture on the intensified challenges of raising a child with autism in the Ultra Orthordox community at the European Association of Developmental Psychology’s International Conference on “Developmental Psychology and Prevention” which took place this year at the Tel Aviv University.
The lecture was based on clinical experience in our work with hundreds of families in Sulam, and includes what we have seen to be beneficial. Extensive interviews were conducted with psychologists regarding their experiences in parent guidance sessions.
At the end of the presentation Hadas took questions from the participants who were extremely interested and impressed by the conclusions presented.
Posted on by r5gdk

A short update
The school year has began and Sulam opened with 686 students in 12 branches across Israel.
We would like to extend our warmest wishes for success to them as well as the 74 children who are starting the new school year as students in the following mainstream schools across Israel.
Ohel Chana, Ulpanat Efra, Boyan, Orot, Beit Chana, Bais Yakov Givat Shaul, B’Y Hayashan, B’Y Neve Yakov, Bnos Haddasa, Gan Bais Yaakov, Vishnitz, Chasdai Avos, Nesivos Yerushalayim, Satmar, Seminar Hayashan, Maalot High School, Tzanz, Neve Batsheva, Ganei Eitz Hadas
Tamud Torah: Romema, Ayelet Hashachar, Beit Meir,beit Shalom, Dibrot Moshe, Sanhedrin, Tiferes Yehuda, Belz, Breslov, Toldos Ahron, Derech Hakodesh, Vishnitz, Chafetz Chaim, Meah Shearim, Meor Chaim, Machnovka, Mishnat Chaim, Tzanz and Machnovka.
May you continue to succeed and be a source of pride to your families and all of Klal Yisrael.
Special and heartfelt thanks to our parents, teachers, principals, therapists and staff members who made this possible and to the children who are the true heroes
Jerusalem Marathon 2019 ~ We did it!!
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Jerusalem Marathon 2019 ~ We did it!!
A short update
We are so excited to be participating in the Jerusalem Marathon 2019 this year!
We did it!!!! We successfully joined the Jerusalem Marathon and we literally hit the ground running!!
Our runners were fantastic. Our swag was the best. Our orange t-shirts were worn with pride, the entire campaign was outstanding and we are still on a high.
There is doing something ok and there is doing something right, and Sulam knows how to do it right!!
Thank you to everyone who donated and helped make this day a grand success.
please visit our facebook page as we have uploaded some of the photos.
Posted on by r5gdk

A short update
The Head Start Kindergartners inSulam’s center on Sorotzkin are once again proud to welcome the “Amerikayim,” a dedicated group of students from the Lahav seminary who chose to spend their Thursday mornings, weekly, entertaining the Sulam preschoolers with activities like singing and dancing. This week, in honor of the celebration of Tu B’shvat the girls of Lahav dressed up like trees, teaching our students songs with hand motions, teaching them to follow instructions and eye-hand coordination. The children were encouraged to pick fruits off the trees and gather them into specially prepared baskets and then create their own personalized trees.
What a “tree”t for Sulam!
Experience Yerushalayim
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Experience Yerushalayim
A short update
Wednesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos brought hundreds of people together from all over the world for Sulam’s 3rd annual Chol Hamoed event.
This year’s event event called “Experience Yerushalayim” took place in Olmaya overlooking the magnificent view of Yerushalayim. Participants enjoyed a buffet, wine tasting, a 3D virtual tour of the sights of the city while their children enjoyed the attractions uniquely for them.
The highlight of the event was a concert featuring Avraham Fried and Meilich Kohn.
The performance brought the whole audience to their feet for ten consecutive minutes of “hakofos” with Fried and Kohn taking turns counting each “hakofa.”
Congratulations to the Guggenheim Family on winning the Jerusalem Trivia. Tension could be felt in the air as all the participants tried to be the first one to answer the questions on the past, present and future of Yerushalayim.
There is a double joy here,” said Esti Ernster, Sulam’s executive director after the show. “Thanks to the joy and contribution of all the participants here, hundreds of children in Sulam can rejoice with the extra hours of therapy and services we can provide. The annual event is also our opportunity to express gratitude to so many people from around the world who opened their hearts to Sulam.”
Like Parent, Like Child
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Like Parent, Like Child
A short update
The Okner Baby Wing in Sulam’s center in Jerusalem is the place where it all begins. Where our babies begin their educational and therapeutic journey, with the warmth, love and dedication of our staff who help them to reach their first milestones.
For Sy and Anne Okner who sponsored the center “the apple does not fall far from the tree” and we are privileged to have the friendship and support of their children Ellyn and Dave Robbins, specifically assisting in making our AAC Communication Library and iPad program so successful.
The kindness continues down the generations, as their son Zamir devotes his time to volunteering with our elementary and high school boys in Beit Shemesh. We were honored to welcome Ellyn and her niece Noa, another granddaughter of the Okners to our school. There’s no one like them, and the miracles that happen every day we attribute to these members of the Sulam family.